Some people would sooner swear off "nookie" than give up their morning cup of coffee, according to new research commissioned by Dunkin' Donuts. The donut and coffee chain surveyed close to 1,200 customers (ages 18 to 49) across the country to find that 42% of coffee drinkers say that coffee is a more important or equally important part of their week than sex.
Contrasting occasional media reports that drinking coffee may have negative effects on the human body, coffee drinkers are finding their lives enriched, according to the Dunkin' Donuts survey. For them, coffee seems to act as an aphrodisiac—a liquid version of a Barry White soundtrack.
More than half of those who drink coffee in a typical week (57%) say they "make whoopee" up to six times a week, while just 47% of nonjavadrinkers can say they get lucky that often.
With that much activity in your love life, you'd need regular jolts of caffeine!
But that's not the whole story. Twothirds, or about 66%, of people who drink coffee in a typical week say they have sex at least once a week. Among consumers that don't drink "joe," only 58% claim to have sex that frequently.
Coffee drinkers are also more experimental—even daring—in findingnew ways to generate excitement in the bedroom. Everything from exercising morefrequently and using vitamins & supplements to eating oysters are commonthings 55% of coffee drinkers do to improve their sex lives, compared to just43% of non-coffee-drinkers, according to the survey.
These revelations are both a testament to the importance of coffee in the livesof your customers and a powerful promotional tool to help boost coffeesales. But since the research comes from what is probably one of your biggestcompetitors for coffee dollars, remember to be judicious in how you source it!
Bubba wants wineIt's time to make room for more wine in your stores. Americans drinkwine more often than beer, according to the most recent Consumption Habitspoll, Gallup's measurement of the country's drinking preferences. Today,39% of drinkers of alcoholic beverages in the U.S. say they drink winemost often, while 36% say they usually drink beer. Overall, 63% of Americans say they drink alcohol, which is consistentwith the rate of drinking recorded for most of the six decades Galluphas asked the question. Wine generated the most significant change comparedto last year, when 33% of Americans said they drank wine. It's a starkdifference compared to 13 years ago when beer had the clear lead at 47%compared to wine's 27%. While it would appear beer drinkers simply switched to fermented grapejuice as their liquor of choice, a complicated mix of trends has erodedbeer's lead over time. Young adults, according to the poll, seem to betrading in frosty beer mugs for stylish martini glasses (though they consistentlyrank beer as their preferred choice), while middle-aged Americans (30to 49) are consuming less beer and more liquor and wine. Americans ages50 and older, meanwhile, consistently rank wine as their preferred alcoholicdrink. Wine is no longer—and never really was—just a drink for Caucasianwomen. In 1992, beer was chosen nearly two to one over wine among alldrinkers of alcoholic beverages. But wine has made significant gains since,especially among men and non-whites. In Gallup's 1997/1999 polls, 17%of men said they preferred wine over another drink; this year, that numberhas grown to 25%. Nearly 40% of non-whites said they preferred wine inthe 2005 poll—almost double the percentage of the non-white population(22%) who said they'd choose wine over other alcoholic beverages in the1992/1994 polls. |