Frontline International has introduced a safer, cleaner way to get both fresh and waste cooking oil to and from fryers with the new, hands-free Smart Oil Management systems. The company offers a choice of automated, direct-plumbed systems for both fresh and waste oil, which send the oil directly to its destination with minimal or no handling by employees. Direct-plumbed systems lower the risk of potentially dangerous spills, burns, or slip-and-fall injuries. And no more heavy buckets to haul or drag. For fresh oil, Frontline International offers its EZ Oil System for Standard Packaged Oil, which stores and manages fresh oil that you purchase in boxes or jugs. For waste oil, Frontline International’s fully-automated direct-plumbed system helps ensure worker safety and easier oil collection. With a push of a button, used oil leaves the fryers and flows into the system’s secure waste oil containment tanks. All Frontline International equipment is backed by a one-year warranty on both parts and labor.
For More Information From Frontline International
(877) 776-1100
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