Pilot Co. decided to be a fuel sponsor for the Women In Trucking Association (WIT)’s 2022 Driver Ambassador Program, which focuses on promoting career opportunities for women in the trucking industry, celebrating inspirational women and raising awareness for WIT’s mission.
An essential feature of the program is WITney, the association’s one-of-a-kind educational trailer. The expo trailer accompanies the Driver Ambassador out on the road, attending schools and industry events. Not only is WITney a traveling billboard for the nonprofit, but it hosts an array of educational and interactive components, such as interactive kiosks and a driver simulator.
“Pilot Co.’s fuel sponsorship will have a major influence on the expansion of this program,” said Ellen Voie, WIT president and CEO. “The additional resources allow WITney to travel to more locations and events, such as public schools and Girl Scout events. This sponsorship will positively impact diversity in the trucking industry.”
“We are honored to support Women In Trucking and the WITney educational trailer,” said Whitney Johnson, Pilot Co. chief experience officer. “Through education and celebration of the amazing achievements of women in our industry, we can inspire future generations and encourage more women to get into trucking.”
WIT is a nonprofit association established to encourage the employment of women in the trucking industry, promote their accomplishments and minimize obstacles faced by women working in the trucking industry. Membership is not limited to women, as 17% of its members are men who support the mission.
Founded in 1958 and headquartered in Knoxville, Tenn., Pilot Co. has grown its network to more than 800 retail and fueling locations and supplies more than 14 billion gallons of fuel per year to the market. Pilot Co. has fourth-largest tanker fleet with more than 1,600 trucks that supply DEF, bio and renewable fuels, and provides hauling and disposal services to the oil field sector. Its Pilot and Flying J travel center network includes over 750 locations in 44 states and five Canadian provinces with more than 790 restaurants, 75,000 truck parking spaces, 5,300 deluxe showers, 6,200 diesel lanes and offers truck maintenance and tire service with Southern Tire Mart at Pilot Flying J. The One9 Fuel Network connects a variety of fueling locations to provide smaller fleets and independent professional drivers with everyday value, convenience, credit and perks.