The 2nd Annual Consumer’s Choice Contest will identify the hot new products convenience store customers want most.

IMG_4519Increased channel blurring is making it tougher for convenience stores to retain existing customers—and harder yet to develop loyalty in new ones. That’s why new products are so important to convenience stores. They keep customers engaged and returning time and again to see what’s new and exciting on convenience store shelves.

So if you a supplier with a new product on track to launch in the next few months or if you have recently launched a new product that is marketed to convenience store customers, we have a Hot New Products Contest just for you.

Convenience Store Decisions is proud to announce the second-annual Consumer’s Choice New Product Contest, which will honor the best new products launched across a host of c-store categories.

But this contest comes with a twist: Convenience Store Decisions is letting real convenience store customers be the judge. The 2016 Consumer’s Choice New Products Contest will take place live on July 28 at the new Truenorth convenience store in Medina, Ohio.

At this exclusive one-day event, you will be able to have your new product sampled and reviewed by customers on-site at the convenience store. Products will be evaluated by c-store shoppers on several criteria including taste, value, and uniqueness.

Click to view the contest rules and entry form.

Results will be published online at and in a special New Products section/supplement of Convenience Store Decisions magazine. Winners will also be recognized at the 2016 National Advisory Group (NAG) Conference in Savannah, Ga., in September, and at the 2016 NACS Conference in Atlanta in October.

Last year’s contest, hosted by Englefield Oil in Heath, Ohio, featured a number of unique foods and flavors, snacks and beverages provided by suppliers from around the country. Arranged in different categories, the array of products was evaluated on quality, consistency and overall consumer appeal.

There were more than 100 SKUs on display in 2015, provided by more than 60 foodservice and CPG suppliers. Passing patrons were asked to judge how impressed they were by the various category products.

Provided evaluation forms, clipboards and enough time to sink their teeth into the project, Duchess Shoppe customers rated the samplings on the following criteria: taste, quality, product innovation and the likeness they would but that product in future store visits.

The cost to enter the 2016 contest is $200 per item/SKU. Companies are limited to a maximum of three items/SKUs per company.

View the contest rules and download a contest forms at Hot New Products Contest.  Items should arrive no later than Tuesday, July 26th. Perishable foodservice items should arrive by Wednesday, July 27th.

For information on how you can enter the 2016 Consumer’s Choice New Products Contest, contact John Petersen or Barb Martin at (440) 250-1583, or via email at [email protected] or [email protected].

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