Five high school graduates to receive $1,000 each toward pursuing further education.
The Team Oil Travel Center, Team Oil Subway, and Harold Dungan, all benefactors of the Team Oil Scholarship Program, are proud to announce the 2012 scholarship program.
The program will award $5,000 in scholarships—five $1,000 awards to graduates from the Spring Valley High School pursuing any further education (university, technical training, etc.) in any field of study. Each applicant must submit a fully completed local scholarship application on time and write a one-page essay.
One $1,000 award will be a Small Business Awareness Scholarship to a graduating senior who has worked at a job during high school and has an interest in business. Applicants should answer these two questions on a single page: What have you learned from your work experiences? What do you believe are the biggest challenges facing small businesses in America today?
The other four $1,000 Team Oil Scholarships will be awarded to graduating seniors who represent the values listed below. Applicants must answer the questions in an essay of one page or less.
The Team Oil family believes the keys to success are being a self-motivated, hard worker with a good attitude, having high standards for yourself, a commitment to being a positive influence on others, and educating yourself, then applying that education in your life. Educating yourself can happen in many ways. For example, you could watch a half hour long “Do It Yourself” program on television and put the new knowledge to work in a shop to make something useful. You could challenge yourself to learn new skills at a summer or after-school job. You could take the extra time to really understand a school assignment and its practical uses rather than just focusing on getting it done to satisfy a teacher and earn a grade. Where are these keys to success in your own life? How have they helped you, and how do you plan to use them in the future?