A job will provide you a living. A career will provide you a life.
By Tony Huppert, CEO of Team Oil Inc.
I have met people over the years that have told me how lucky I have been over my 63 years. They emphasize the fact that, whatever I have been involved in, I always kept a positive cheerful disposition.
About 40 years ago, I saw a painting of a large duck sitting on the water hanging on a friend’s wall. Under the duck it read, “Stay cool and calm above the water and paddle your ass off under.”
No statement will better emphasize the difference between a job and a career than the day a very successful, financially set friend of mine said how he hated Fridays. I had to ask him how he could possibly hate Fridays. His answer said it all, “It means Monday’s coming.” He passed away six months later from a stress-related illness.
People have a tendency to look at jobs as they do houses. They will refer to their first job as they would their first house. It’s a good starter house. Or it’s a good job to get started with. Both statements give the impression that one has already failed. With the house statement, its sounds like you settled. As far as the job, it gives the impression that you could do a lot better.
What happens when you make a ‘home’ out of that starter house and you decide to stay in that house? Or you decide to make a career out of that first job, because you like it.
Don’t let your life be dictated by society and outside pressure, or by someone else’s expectation. They should worry about themselves. You are much better off loving your career than hating your job. Life is short. Only you can live yours.