Inter-Continental Cigar (ICC) has introduced the Al Capone SWEET Cigar. This new cigar plays off the success of Al Capone Sweet Cigarillos and offers a larger version of the popular product. The cigar is hand rolled in a premium, natural leaf wrapper and cognac dipped for sweetness on the lips. Each cigar is individually sealed in the tube for freshness, and is made from the same tobaccos in their proprietary cigar growing plantations. The new large cigar debuted at the IPCPR show in New Orleans in July and has already exceeded initial order expectations. Al Capone competes in the premium end of the OTP (other tobacco product) category and has experienced phenomenal growth with its Sweet and Sweet Filter lines. ICC recently completed an OTP cigarillo Shopper Study showing that premium cigarillo shoppers add more to the category and Al Capone shoppers index even higher.
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