Regatta, creator of renowned Regatta Classic Bermuda Stone Ginger Beer, has announced the evolution of the brand’s product offerings into the dynamic craft mixers category. Beginning in March 2019, Regatta Dry Citrus Sparkling Tonic, Regatta Royal Oak Ginger Ale and Regatta Pacific Sea Salt Club Soda join award winning, flagship Regatta Ginger Beer and Regatta Light Ginger Beer. The full line-up of Regatta premium craft mixers create a complex yet well-balanced flavor palate that mixes well with any spirit. Regatta Craft Mixers are packaged in a new 8.4-ounce “perfect-pour” slim can four-pack format that sets Regatta apart from the competition and is the ideal package for today’s on-the-go occasions. It is lighter weight and more convenient than glass while providing the perfect amount for creating cocktails without leftovers in the can. For customers, this means easy transport and less waste – two important considerations for this active set. Regatta Craft Mixers is the Official Craft Mixer of US Sailing.
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