Arkansas-based SQRL Fuels has announced plans to add a SQRL drive-through c-store in Hot Springs, Ark., reported The Sentinel-Record. While there is no concrete timeline for the opening of the site, the company has noted that it hopes to finish construction within a year from now.
This location is unique because most SQRL sites feature full-fledged fuel sites, while the new store will not feature fuel pumps, but will operate solely as a drive-through convenience center.
SQRL was started roughly three years ago in Little Rock, Ark. The chain now operates over 160 stores, with this being its first Hot Springs location.
The company has noted that it hopes to add more locations to its Hot Springs portfolio.
Although the site will not offer fuel to customers, it will be one of a few SQRL locations that feature a fully operational drive-through.
The new store will be located at the site of an old Hardee’s at 249 W. Grand Ave.